Sunday, November 12, 2006

Roddlesworth - Sunnyhurst - Abbey Village (7m)

A shorter walk so that we had some time at home for domestics and a bit of work! We hadn't been out in this area before and were disappointed to find that what looked like farm tracks on the map were well and truly tarmaced roads to stables. Horses are obviously big in this part of the world!
Looking down on Sunnyhurst wood on the way out was good, even though it was overcast there was a lot of autumn colour. But by far the best bit was returning to Roddlseworth visitor centre through Roddlesworth wood. The colour and mix of trees was lovely and in places you could see the bedrock shaping the flow of the river.


margaret said...

That is so beautiful! I can just imagine being there.

neki desu said...

I hope you have been inspired by the colors.A bit jealous here because its Nov.15 and we have 18º.