For some, choosing the original image caused too much anxiety, others haven't liked the returned blocks. I'd hoped that it might force me into the unknown but it didn't - I've painted and layered fabric a little more than usual to get a desired colour or texture but I haven't been as creative as I'd like to be. Even though I like my quilt, in retrospect I realise that I have learned little from the exercise.
I chose a painting by Alfred Wallis of St. Ives. I'm not a great fan of his but I do like St. Ives and thought his painting caught the ad hoc development of this area by the harbour. I haven't posted the original image in case it contravenes copyright but this is how my piece looks at the moment. I have pieced the sections together but not quited it yet. Each section is just over 5" wide and about 30" long.

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