Having had a dabble with the fibreartsmixedmedia Ning I got involved in a 'conversation' about the fear that surrounds committing your ideas to cloth. One response really set me thinking, talking about fear as a 'beastie' rather than as nebulous low slung cloud that I always think of it as. A 'beastie' is defineable, manageable and most importantly containable. So I made a beastie box which will shortly be on it's way to Helen who has given me a new take on fear!
Unfortunately I cant credit the design of the box - I think it has it's origins in origami but am willing to stand corrected. The photo I used is of Sliegeag on the Isle of Lewis.

Brill box! Would you be interested in a group blog Linda? Let me know if you are and I'll get back to you x
What a brilliant idea Linda!
fabulous! gives a whole new meaning to 'out of the box' too...
Hi LInda, Sorry to leave this on your blog, but I don't think I have your email address! I've decided to go ahead, and if you're still interested, perhaps you could get in touch to discuss the what, whens and hows?
It is so beautiful in reality too. Thank you again Linda. It's the best surprise I've had in a long time. You cheered my day and restored my reason for being with your generous gift. Thank you, thank you.
Hi Linda
What a wonderful idea, and how apt to use a physical box, that is beautiful, to trap something as ugly and treacherous as ' the fear of committing ideas to cloth'.
Your beastie box is beautiful!
Here is the one I made
Same model, not at all the same atmosphere :-)
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