Friday, February 11, 2011

Packing and time management

It seems like a while since I've been away so I'm really looking forward to next week when I'm off on a quilting retreat organised by the NW group of Contemporary Quilt . A little bit of me feels guilty at leaving my husband at home, but only a little bit!
The hardest part has been deciding what to take, yes I'll need some clothes but they're not the problem. I've realised that I have no idea how long it takes me to make something and therefore have no idea what  I will be able to accomplish in the time we've given over to stitching. (We've planned in some time for talks and also to get out and about as we are staying in Grasmere.) And, unlike a masterclass or summer school, I have to write my own requirements list, so I'm to blame if I miss off a key component! I'm sure there will be plenty of sharing of resources but there are no fabric shops nearby.

I've already left myself a note by the sewing machine to think of a way of measuring how much time I spend on a project but I'm very bad at doing the odd twenty minutes here and there then wandering off to look at something on the Internet/empty the washing machine/answer the phone etc. When I first retired I made myself try to extend this time and was succeeding but have obviously slipped back into my old ways. This may be the impetus that I need to make me work more effectively.


Sandra Wyman said...

Have a good week - you and everyone else going!

Anonymous said...

Working on your project between chores is okay -- so much so that Pam Carriker has written a book (released today) called Art At The Speed of Life. Her medium is mixed media so she needs drying time, but I disagree with the idea that quilting is separate from "life". The more I touch fabric the more I smile.