Monday, June 19, 2017

The next five days...

There's no point setting yourself a target if you're not going to record progress on it, and I'm only late because I set off for the CQ Summer School on Friday afternoon.

Following on from identifying my need for clearer goals my week changed part way through and although I can claim my two hours on Thursday and Friday I spent far longer than this rationalising my workroom so that I can have things to hand when I'm ready to stitch into them. I have several projects on the go and I realise that each needs to be in front of my eyes and easy to pick up from the last session, not tucked under a successive project out of sight! So:
  • Day 6 – 2 hours
  • Day 7 –  2 hours
  • Day 8 – 2 hours
  • Day 9 – 1 hour stitching, several more sorting and clearing
  • Day 10 – 2 hours (At Summer School!)
Mid sort!

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