Monday, July 31, 2017

Oops - nearly forgot

as the weeks are rushing by. Last week I finished off my challenge for 12bythedozen, all the yellow fabric is back in the cupboard and I'm back on black on white, but for once I'm making clothes. Like many a stitcher I made all my own clothes for as long as it was cheaper and I had the time. Now I've better things to do and the fabric often costs more than the finished garment but I bought a top that I liked at the beginning of the summer and the shape is simple enough to replicate.
I'm working with linen so need to allow enough seam allowance in case of fraying - 5/8" seems enormous after so long working with 1/4" or less when I'm free cutting strips! So

  • Day 36 – 2.5 hours
  • Day 37– 2 hours
  • Day 38– 2 hours
  • Day 39– 1.5 hours
  • Day 40 – 3 hour, top completed apart from hem!

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