Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Some things are so simple you don't know why you didn't know about them all along ....


Margaret Cooter said...


Sandra Wyman said...

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!

magsramsay said...

Ever since working in a Youth Hostel and changing 90 covers at a time, used a variation where have duvet cover inside out, reach into both corners of duvet cover with bulk of duvet fabric up your arms , grab corners of duvet through the fabric and pull those towards you until cover is rightside out encasing the duvet. Perhaps I should make a video.....

mallyboy said...

If "magsramsay"published this golden piece of advice in the open press, (and charged $1 per reply, I reckon he would make millions, especially with knotheads like me. I almost feel like changing the doona cover now, even though it doesn't need to be replaced, just to see hoe easy it is to do