Sunday, January 06, 2008

Not a New Year resolution

Thanks to Margaret for her post A word in your Year , not to mention the clever play on words. I don't do NY resolutions having worked out, quite early on, that they were always going to lead to self-disappointment. Margaret's post is based on this article about a "DO-HAVE-BE" model which suggests you choose a word to live by for the year.

I had no trouble with this at all - the logic makes sense and I'd already decided a goal for the year, so my word is PLAY.

This operates at several levels:
  • related to the goal it means 'work less and play more'. As I move towards retirement I need to shift away from work as a total pre-occupation. I enjoy what I do and spend 'leisure time' reading and researching around my job, but this will be redundant when I retire so I need to start replacing that activity with others.
  • I spend a lot of time at the PC prevaricating and know that I need to be doing something more positive - I need to play (aka stitch!) which leads to the third interpretation
  • when I play (aka stitch), I want to experiment more. I'm taking small steps but doing this on my own seems to mean that there are never any giant leaps or sideways steps going on.

So, if you see me frolicking down the road at some point in 2008 don't worry about me - I'll just be playing!


The WestCountryBuddha said...

Ha!! I hope you find 2008 a very happy and creatively wonderful year. It sounds like your plans will lead you on a fascinating journey. DH retired in August and is having a great time. He worried about finding things to do as his job took all his energies, but apart from a mad few weeks immediately after work ended, he's settled down and enjoys spending 3 times as long doing anything, and mooching around visiting places, going to the library etc. You'll have a brilliant time too. I shall tune into your blog from now on to check that youre still having fun! x

sharon young said...

Hi Linda
I have absolutely no doubt that after a very short period you'll wonder how you ever had time to work!
The textile and related studies field is so vast that there is always something new to play with! I think that if I had 3 lifetimes I'd still struggle to fit it all in!
But I think you do need to build a structure , especially if you've been used to a working schedule.
It is very easy to slip into the mode of thinking you have endless time so why do today what you can put off till tomorrow :-)
The great thing about blogland is that there is always someone out there interested in your experiments and willing to lend a helping hand if asked. that's my experience, anyway!
Looking forawrd to seeing what you come up with , after you've had your daily exercise skipping down the road LOL.
Thanks for your comments on my colour studies

Sandra Wyman said...

Sounds like it's going to be a good year, Linda - I'm fully retiring (I still have a PT job) at the end of May so I might just join you in the frolicking.
I've nominated you for a Make My Day Award - details on my blog.

margaret said...

What a good word - and a good perspective. People have come up with such *attractive* words that I'm thinking of adding a "word of the month" to this "word of the year" thing....